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Dean of Students Office

Exceptional Withdrawals

Students who present with a medical condition of such severity or duration, as confirmed in writing by a physician, that renders them incapable of completing their courses must first attempt to withdraw by the withdrawal deadline of the affected term as posted on the academic calendar. Students who withdraw from their classes by the withdrawal deadline may be evaluated for a medical withdrawal by submitting an Exceptional Withdrawal petition with all required documentation.

In order to be eligible for an Exceptional Withdrawal, a student must provide documentation of an illness or injury which was not previously known to the student, or which was believed to have been treated and resolved. The student must also provide evidence of having experienced an escalation of symptoms and documented evidence of having received treatment during the semester for which they are seeking the withdrawal.

Note: Students may not use the Exceptional Withdrawal process as a result of medical issues of dependents or family members.

Types of Exceptional Withdrawals

Physical or Mental Health Exceptional Withdrawals

Exceptional withdrawal applications may be submitted for either physical health or mental health conditions. Students will be asked to elaborate on their medical condition, any diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, etc. and how this has impacted their ability perform academically.

Full Exceptional Withdrawal

A petition to withdraw from all courses within a semester. If the medical condition is affecting a current semester, students should withdraw from all courses by the withdrawal deadline as articulated in the before petitioning for an exceptional withdrawal.

Partial Exceptional Withdrawal

A petition to withdraw from less than all courses within a semester. If the medical condition is affecting a current semester, students should withdraw from all courses by the withdrawal deadline as articulated in the before petitioning for an exceptional withdrawal.

Overview of the Process

Before the Process

  • Consult with faculty for alternative options to complete any coursework
  • Review other potential impacts with offices on campus
    • Academic Advising, Financial Aid, Student Financial Services
  • Recommended - Attend an Information Session & Register below:

Submitting Your Application

  1. Submit your Exceptional Withdrawal Application.
  2. Submit a physician's letter, as outlined on the Ready to Submit page.
  3. (Partials Only) Submit an  for each class requested.

It is highly recommended for students to discuss their situation with their doctor, their professors, and the Dean of Students Office prior to submitting a medical withdrawal application. 

Application Review

  • Only completed exceptional withdrawals will be sent onto the Exceptional Withdrawal Committee.  
  • The Exceptional Withdrawal process may take approximately eight to ten weeks to complete a full review. This process is initiated once applications that contain sufficient and appropriate information and documentation are received


Remember that you are responsible for all courses that you add to your schedule, regardless of when you add those courses.
  1. Complete your 
  2. Schedule a Re-Enrollment Success Plan Meeting with the Dean of Students Office
  3. Submit the Mental Health Re-Enrollment Provider Form or the Physical Health Re-Enrollment Provider Form