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Cultural Diversity Courses

Approved Courses

The following courses have been approved by the Coggin College of Business for Upper Level Cultural Diversity. International Business Majors use Regional Studies List.

  • Classes must be same number AND TITLE to be considered
  • Classes are not guaranteed every semester, please see schedule of classes to chose courses from this list
Upper Level Cultural Diversity: Study Abroad Courses
Course Number Course Title
ACG 4956 Study Abroad in Accounting
ECO 4956 Study Abroad in Economics
FIN 4956 Study Abroad in Finance
GEO 4956      Study Abroad in Geography
MAN 4956 Study Abroad in Management
MAR 4955 Study Abroad in Marketing


Upper Level Cultural Diversity
Course Number Course Title
AFH 3450 South Africa
AFH 3200 History of Modern Africa: from 1807-Present
AFH 3252 War, Genocide, and HIV in Modern Africa
AMH 3444 Peoples of the American West
AMH 3511 The United States in World Affairs
AMH 3312 Gender in the U.S.
AMH 3571 Introduction to African American History
AMH 3580 American Indian History
AML 3621 Black American Literature
ANT 3212 People and Cultures of the World
ANT 3243 Comparative Muslim Cultures
ANT 3311 Indians of the Southeast U.S.
ANT 3312 North American Indians
ANT 3355 The African Diaspora
ANT 4352 People & Cultures of Africa
ANT 4444 Cities and Globalization
ASH 3200 Ancient Near East
ASH 3201 Ancient Israel
ASH 3223 Middle East
ASH 3337 Gandhi and Modern India
ASH 3401 Contemporary China
ASH 3402 Traditional China
ASH 3404 Modern China
ASH 3440 Japanese Civilization
ASH 3441 Japan Before 1868
ASH 3448 Hiroshima
ASH 3620 Asian Art and Culture
ASN 3106 Woman and Gender in East Asia
CPO 3123 Politics and Society in Britain and Ireland
CPO 3151 Politics and Society in France
CPO 3213 Politics and Society in Sub Saharan Africa
CPO 3402 Politics of Pakistan and Afghanistan
CPO 3643 Politics and Society in Russia
CPO 4034 Politics of Developing Countries
EUH 3120 Medieval Europe
EUH 3124 The Crusades
EUH 3142 Renaissance-Reformation
EUH 3205 19th Century Europe
EUH 3206 20th Century Europe
EUH 3241 The Holocaust
EUH 3312 History of Spain
EUH 3320 Eastern Europe
EUH 3403 Ancient Greece
EUH 3411 Ancient Rome
EUH 3451 France Since 1789
EUH 3453 The French Revolution and Napoleon
EUH 3462 Modern Germany
EUH 3465 Nazi Germany: Power, Society, and War in Hitler's Reich
EUH 3466 Germany Today
EUH 3511 Tudor-Stuart England, 1485-1714
EUH 3575 Imperial Russia
EUH 3576 Russia Since 1905
EUH 3580 Russian Thought and Culture
EUH 3581 Russia in Asia
EUH 4103 From Homer to Herodutus: Greece in the Archaic Age
EUH 4404 The Peloponnesian War
EUH 4408 Alexander the Great
FIL 4822 French Cinema
FIL 4843 Asian Cinema
FIL 4848 World Cinema and the Cross-Cultural Encounter
FIL 4882 Cinema and Culture
FOT 3510 Love in the Middle Ages
FOT 3931 Studies in Foreign Culture
FRE 3283 French Listening and Speaking Skills
FRE 3502 French and Francophone Cultures
FRE 4402 Advanced French Conversation
FRE 3430 French for the Professions
FRE 4501 France Today (taught in French)
FRT 3550 Faces of France
FRT 3800 French Translation Techniques
FRW 3100 Survey of French Literature: Pre-19th Century
HUM 3524 Great Age of Vienna
INR 3016 Global Issues in Contemporary Politics
INR 3084 Terrorism Today
INR 3102 Real Policy World
INR 3153 American Foreign Policy in the Middle East
INR 3443 International Law and Organization
INR 4703 International Political Economy
LAH 3300 Latin America
LAH 3424 Aztecs/Incas/Mayas
LAH 3736 Modern Latin American History Through Film
LAH 4932 Seminar Latin America History
LAS 3020 Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean
LAS 3031 Peoples and Culture of the Southern Cone
LAS 3930 Cultures of Latin America
MUH 3055 African American Music Heritage
PHH 3120 The Greek Experience
PHH 3811 The Philosophy of Zen Buddhism
PHH 3820 Chinese Philosophy
PHH 3860 Japanese Philosophy through Culture
PHH 4121 Ancient Greek Ethics
PHH 4601 Contemporary European Philosophy
PHH 4620 20th Century Philosophy: Anglo- American Tradition
PHH 4821 Confucianism
PHI 3664 Ethics East and West
PHI 3931 East and West Selected Topics
REL 3074 Myths and Rituals
REL 3102 Religion as Culture
REL 3330 Religions of India
SOP 3742 Psychology of Women
SPN 3013 Spanish for Business
SPN 3242 Spanish Conversation
SPN 4541 Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture
SPW 4930 Advanced Studies in Hispanic Literature
SYD 3700 Racial and Ethnic Minorities
SYD 3800 Gender and Society
SYO 3110 Sociology of Sexualities
SYP 3440 Social Change and International Development


Courses Approved by the College of Business Administration for Cultural Diversity that also satisfy the University's General Education Requirement
Course Number Course Title
AFH 3450 South Africa
AMH 3312 Gender in the U.S.
AMH 3444 Peoples of the American West
AMH 3571 Introduction to African-American History
AMH 3580 American Indian History
ANT 3212 People and Cultures of the World
ANT 3312 North American Indians
ASH 3223 Middle East
ASH 3440 Japanese Civilization
ASH 3448 Hiroshima
EUH 3580 Russian Thought & Culture
FIL 4848 World Cinema and the Cross-Cultural Encounter
LAH 3300 Latin America
REL 3074 Myths and Rituals
REL 3102 Religion and Culture
SOP 3742 Psychology of Women
SYD 3700 Racial and Ethnic Minorities
SYD 3800 Gender and Society


"Frequent faculty-student contact in and out of the classroom is the most important factor in student motivation and involvement." - Arthur Chickering