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Student Accessibility Center

Preparing for Transition

How can Students Prepare Now for the Transition to College?

Transitioning from high school to college can be a challenge for any student. The changes can be daunting and intimidating, but there are some things that can be done before students start their first semester in college that can help prepare them for life in postsecondary education!

  • Planning and Time Management
    • Start using digital and physical planners to organize what needs to be done each week, when things are being done, and other important appointments or events
    • Practice setting alarms and reminders. Rely on parents or guardians to wake up in the morning? Set an alarm!
    • Practice checking emails at least 1-2 times every day
  • Study Skills and Taking Notes
    • Practice developing study skills and strategies 
    • Identify what type of learner you are; hands-on, visual, auditory, etc.
    • Write notes on important information during class
    • Complete all readings and review materials before class
    • Organize all your notes to make them easy to find
    • Practice breaking down large or difficult assignments or projects into smaller, more manageable parts
  • Stress Management
    • Find things that you enjoy doing 
    • Practice making time to relax and do something to take care of yourself 
    • Practice taking breaks to re-energize and refresh 
  • Laundry
    • Wash and dry laundry without assistance of others
    • Fold and put away your own laundry
  • Cooking
    • Learn some easy-to-prepare recipes to make your own meals
    • Know how to use ovens and stoves
    • Practice food safety (expiration dates, how to store common foods, etc.)
  • Cleaning
    • Keep your personal living space clean! 
    • Take out the trash, clean any messes you notice or create, keep your room and working space tidy, do laundry, wash dishes 
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    • Colleges required to make programs accessible to students with disabilities 
    • Public colleges required to be made accessible to students with disabilities 
    • Colleges required to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities
  • ADA Amendments Act
    • ADA prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities 
    • Expanded spectrum of disabilities eligible for accommodations 
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
    • Does not apply to postsecondary education 
    • Only applies to K-12 education 
    • Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) include accommodations and testing modifications, but IEPs are not used in postsecondary settings