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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Construction Management

Program Mission Statement

The mission of the Construction Management Department’s Master of Science Degree Program is to prepare students to function in a demanding technical and complex environment. This advanced degree in Construction Management will provide students with in-depth knowledge, so they may create innovative solutions to construction problems in their area of expertise. This program will provide opportunities to expand content knowledge and development of critical thinking skills inside and outside of the classroom setting. The degree program will enhance the leadership, technological, communication, and critical thinking skills of the students. Students graduating with an M.S. in Construction Management will receive an education that allows them to pursue a doctoral degree.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates will be able:

Knowledge of Literature of Discipline (req)

  • Apply quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, demonstrating proficiency in examining, critiquing, assessing and integrating research literature.

Independent Research/Professional Practice (req)

  • Analyze comprehensive construction project-related issues through independent and collaborative research endeavors, grounded in data collection, analytical tools, and ethical research principles.
  • Analyze the key positions in a construction project, focusing on their primary work roles, ethical responsibilities, contributions to sustainability, and how they operate under different methods of construction project delivery.

Communication (opt)

  • Create written and oral communications to carry out typical administrative tasks in construction project management, including design, document management, planning, estimating, scheduling, safety, supervision, quality control, procurement, and others.

Assessment Approaches

 The learning outcomes encompass comprehensive knowledge in construction pertaining to different areas of the student’s particular focus. Students in the construction master’s program will be able to demonstrate critical thinking ability and communications skills related to the construction industry. Construction students will achieve these outcomes by the successful completion of a comprehensive program. Students choose to either complete a thesis (thesis option) or take additional courses approved by the program (non-thesis option). The master’s thesis will be an original work that adds to the understanding of a problem in the construction industry. The successful completion of a thesis requires well-developed writing and oral communications skills. The thesis experience in conjunction with successfully completed course work will measure the outcomes for the students choosing the thesis option. Students choosing the non-thesis option will complete additional coursework in place of the thesis. Successfully completed coursework measures the outcomes through technical reports, other written assignments, presentations, exams, class exercises, quizzes, and other assessment methods adopted by the course instructors.