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Dean of Students Office

Care Services

Supporting a Student in a Non-Emergency Situation

Faculty, instructors, and staff are often the first to recognize when a student is exhibiting concerning behaviors and could benefit from additional support or assistance. Learning to identify signs of distress and following the steps below can help connect students to the appropriate resources:

  • Refer early and often.  referral to keep the Dean of Students Office up-to-date.
  • If you are comfortable, try to reach out directly by email or phone to connect with student.
  • Listen to the student and acknowledge the behaviors you have witnessed.
  • Direct the student to campus resources available to them.
  • If the student is not receptive or you feel the student may benefit from additional support, documenting what you have done and noticed.

Please note: DOS Office staff are not first responders. Please contact UPD or 9-1-1 for urgent situations before submitting a referral to the Dean of Students Office.

Referral Types

SOS Referral

Reasons to Refer: Behavioral, personal, situational – for a list of potential behaviors, visit our Defining Concerning Behaviors page.

How to refer: Submit an

Care Response: An SOS referral allows the DOS Care Services Team to connect with students experiencing situations that affect their academic and social success.


Reasons to Refer: Active self-harming behaviors, suicidal ideation/attempt, active threat of harm to self/others, missing student/no campus activity

How to Refer: Call 911, send follow-up information to unfpd@unf.edu or local law enforcement. Then submit an or contact the Dean of Students Office (904-620-1941 / DeanofStudents@unf.edu). 

Care Response: Law enforcement will respond directly. DOS Care Services will follow-up. 

Early Academic Alert

Reasons to Refer: Poor academic performance or attendance issues in the first 5 weeks of the semester.

How to Refer: Follow instructions through Faculty Self-Service in MyWings.

Care Response: Academic Advisors will follow up and often, notify Care Services.

Care Case Management

The Care Services Team meets daily to review incoming referrals and determine next steps utilizing a national best practices model. The Team continues outreach through multiple methods to connect with students and address their needs and concerns. Care Services staff also provide ongoing support and monitoring for students, while encouraging them to seek any additional resources on-campus or within the community until their situation is resolved. Care Case Management is meant to be a holistic and acute intervention. 

Additional Areas of Assistance

Medical Withdrawals

A Medical Withdrawal (MW) can be pursued if the student is experiencing a medical condition that affects their academic progress. MWs can be either for physical or mental health of the student.

Students are encouraged to speak with their faculty FIRST regarding a regular withdrawal. They should also speak with their academic advisor and financial aid. If moving forward with a MW, they will need to submit an application and provider letter. If a student is applying for a partial withdrawal, the faculty may be contacted to fill out an Instructor Feedback Form.

If a student has questions, please refer them to the DOS Office to talk with a Care Services Team member or attend a MW Information Session.

Nesting Place

The Nesting Place supports students who have experienced homelessness or have been involved with the Department of Children and Families (DCF). The Care Services Teams works closely with these students to ensure all paperwork is complete and have a dedicated pantry available to these students.

Students who may be experiencing homelessness are encouraged to contact the Care Services Team and fill out the on the DOS website.

Have questions?

Please submit your questions using this form and our Office will reach out to you via email with a response. 

Campus Resources

Dean of Student Office

  • Care Services 
  • Student Conduct
  • Resolution & Engagement

Student Ombuds

  • Confidential 
  • Help with University process/procedures 
  • Absence notifications

University Police Department

Counseling Center

  • Confidential 
  • Mental health services  
  • Individual or group sessions

Student Accessibility Center

  • Accommodations for students 
  • THRIVE Program 
  • Exam Scheduling

Lend-A-Wing and Lend-A-Fit

  • Student Government-run 
  • Food insecurity 
  • Professional clothing