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Contact the Religious Studies Program


The Religious Studies Program is in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, which is located on the second floor of . The main office is room number 2325. For information concerning parking and the purchase of parking permits and daily passes, please see Parking & Transportation Services.

Current Staff

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Associate Professor and Program Coordinator b.denison@unf.edu (904)620-3744 Building 57, Suite 3500
Adjunct m.hartley@unf.edu (904)620-3744 Building 57, Suite 3500
Professor jingerso@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 Building 57, Suite 3500
Professor rlukens@unf.edu (904) 620-1648 Building 51, Room 2221
James "Dennis" LoRusso Instructor (904) 620-3744 Building 57, Suite 3500
Associate Professor rphillip@unf.edu (904) 620-2850 Building 51, Room 2233
Adjunct mtreyz@comcast.net (904) 620-1330 Building 57, Suite 3500
Stephanie Smith Academic Support Specialist s.smith@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3500

Retired Founding Members

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Neil Gray
John C. Maraldo Professor Emeritus