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Research opportunities for students

You can participate in psychological studies using the SONA Research Participation System. Before you  for studies, check with your course syllabus to see how much credit can be earned for a particular course.

Current research projects in the Department of Psychology

Visit the Faculty Research Page for more information from faculty who are currently recruiting undergraduate and graduate students. 

  • Examining the impact of dyadic relationships (i.e., parent-child, parent-teacher, and teacher-child) on the development of children's social-emotional skills and executive function in early childhood (Dr. Courtney Boise)
  • Examining how stereotypes, biases, and sociopolitical events influence perceptions of male-dominated fields and individuals within these fields (Dr. Elizabeth Brown)
  • Investigating four project lines: (1) how children and adults learn, their metacognition, and their self-regulated learning, (2) people's representations of fractions, integers, and non-symbolic magnitudes with fNIRS, (3) attitudes and anxiety about math with different types of numbers, and (4) health risk comprehension with visual models (Dr. Charles Fitzsimmons)
  • Behavior change and relationship processes that impact physical & psychological well-being (Dr. Paul Fuglestad)
  • Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to measure the effects of mindful meditation on emotional processing, to discover brain areas involved in self-monitoring & self-regulation, and to examine cognitive control during stereotype-reduction training (Dr. Katherine Hooper, only accepting BNS majors with a GPA of at least 3.5)
  • Dynamic decision making & complex problem solving, creativity, shootings & terrorism, and cross-cultural studies (Dr. Dominik Güss)
  • Social networks, development, & welfare in spoonbills, longitudinal social trajectories in developing Gouldian finches, and development of social behavior in giraffes (Dr. Gregory Kohn)
  • Biobehavioral indicators of stress & PTSD and concussion assessment (Dr. Lange)
  • Aspects of human memory, including how true and false memories are formed as well as evolutionary underpinnings of the human memory system (Dr. Juliana Leding)
  • Examining the training & role of police in schools, threat assessment in schools, Florida’s school-to-prison pipeline, barriers to full scale implementation of the practice model for school psychologists, the impact of the critical shortage of school psychologists in schools, and the implementation of restorative justice in Duval County public schools (Dr. Angela Mann)
  • Assessing health behavior change initiatives that parents make for their preschool children in the areas of nutrition and physical activity (Dr. Jody Nicholson)
  • Program assessment of "Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day" & "Girls and Boys Can Do Engineering!" and children's decisions about the present & future allocation of resources (Dr. Susan Perez)
  • Using neuroscientific equipment (fNIRS) to examine how stereotyping is related to brain activity and eye-tracking equipment to study how eye contact moderates racial & gender discrimination during job interviews (Dr. Curtis Phills)
  • How people seek or avoid evidence, transformational shifts in understanding, and how experts make decisions (Dr. Dan Richard)
  • Attitudes, beliefs, and emotions related to pro-environmental behavior & environmental policy support (Dr. Heather Truelove)
  • Evaluating the effects of an obesogenic environment on adolescents' and young adults' physical and mental health in low socioeconomic status neighborhoods (Dr. Dawn Witherspoon)
  • Treatment effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral interventions on one’s ability to cope with stress (Dr. Gabriel Ybarra)