What do I need to apply to the program?
You need to have an undergraduate degree with a GPA of at least 3.0. It can be in any discipline, however there are two prerequisite undergraduate courses that need to be completed prior to entering the program: Introduction to Statistics and Introduction to American Government.
A resume, letter of interest, essay, transcripts from all previous higher education institutions, and two letters of recommendation need to be submitted in the application packet before it will be reviewed. Visit the Graduate School for more details.
Do I need to be interviewed?
An interview is not mandatory, but it is encouraged to make the program will meet your needs and interests.
How will I know when courses are going to be offered?
Each semester, the MPA Director will email all active students an updated course rotation for the next four semesters. Plan your schedule prior to registering for classes. -
How soon before classes start do I need to register?
It is preferable that you register at least three weeks prior to classes starting, if not sooner. The earlier you apply the better we know how many students will be in each class. It is university policy that all graduate classes must have a minimum of 10 students. There is some flexibility for required courses, but some electives have been canceled due to low enrollment. Please register as soon as possible. -
I am not graduating in the spring. When should I take Capstone?
Capstone should be taken in you final spring semester in the program. If you are graduating the summer or fall, then you should take capstone the preceding spring semester.
Who is my adviser?
The Director of the MPA program is the advisor for all MPA students.
What do I need to do to graduate?
If you believe you are in your final semester, review Degree Works to see if you have any unmet requirements. Often students will identify discrepancies. If you do, reach out to the MPA Director to make the needed adjustments.
Students are required to apply for graduation in their final semester. This can be done through MyWings.
I am a member of Pi Alpha Alpha. How do I get an honors chord to wear at graduation?
Please see the Pi Alpha Alpha faculty advisor at least two weeks before graduation with this request.