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College of Arts and Sciences

COAS Strategic Plan

A key goal for this year is to create a shared and exciting vision for our college and a strategic plan aligned with the University’s newly refreshed strategic plan. Dr. Josh Gellers from PSPA will Chair the COAS Strategic Planning Task Force and lead this effort. We are excited to kick off the COAS strategic planning process this semester with multiple ways to contribute.

We will hold several workshops to hear feedback from faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Below are the dates for those workshops. 

  • Wednesday, September 6 from 2 - 3 p.m. - Students 
  • Thursday, September 14 from 11 - noon - Students 
  • Friday, September 29 from 10 - 11 a.m. - Faculty 
  • Thursday, October 5 from 10 - 11 a.m. - Staff
  • Friday, October 20 from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. - Faculty 
  • Thursday, November 2 (time is to be determined) - Alumni

In addition, you can provide comments or ask questions about strategic planning at any time by emailing COASStrategicPlanning@unf.edu

As we go through this process we will upload supporting documentation.