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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Elementary Education

Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Education (BAE) Concentration: Elementary Education (K-6) 2024-2025

Osprey Map (Course Sequence Guide)

Prerequisites (3 credits)

Grade of "C" or higher required

EDF1005 Intro to Teaching Profession (3 Credits)
Acceptable substitute: EDFX005

Core Requirements (18 credits)

EDF3151 Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
EDG3321 Elementary Field Experience I (3 Credits)
EDG4410 Classroom Management and Communication (3 Credits)
EDF4444 Assessment of Learn/Behavior (3 Credits)
EDG3322 Elementary Field Experience II (3 Credits)
EDG4442 Elem Fld Exp 3 (3 Credits)

Major Requirements (30 credits)

LAE3210 Foundations of Literacy (3 Credits)
LAE3211 Literacy Instruct and Assessment (3 Credits)
LAE4312 Differentiating Instruct/Ltrcy (3 Credits)
MAE4013 Teach Math Elementary (3 Credits)
EEC4321 Teaching Math in EC (3 Credits)
SCE4310 Science Methods Elementary (3 Credits)
SSE3313 Social Study Methods:Elem Tchr (3 Credits)
TSL3080 ESOL Foundations: Culture/Lang (3 Credits)
TSL4340 TESOL Methods and Curriculum (3 Credits)

SELECT 1 of the following:
EEX 4275 Instructional Strategies for Teaching Exceptional Learners (3 credits)
EDG 4340 Teaching all Learners in a Differentiated Classroom (3 credits)

Internships (12 credits)

All degree coursework must be completed satisfactorily and a student must have attempted the FTCE Subject Area and Professional Education exams before enrolling in the Internship. Applications for fall internships are due on the 4th Friday of the previous spring term. Applications for spring internships are due on the 4th Friday of the previous fall term.

EDE4943 Student Teaching Internship (9 Credits)
RED4844 Supervised Literacy Practicum (3 Credits)

48 Upper-Level Hours (48 credits)

To graduate with a Bachelor's degree from the College of Education and Human Services, you must earn a minimum of 48 upper-level credits out of a minimum 120 degree applicable required credit hours.