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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Biomedical Sciences

Degree: Bachelor of Science (BS) 2024-2025

Osprey Map (Course Sequence Guide)

Prerequisites (40 credits)

Requires grades of C or above.

BSC1010C General Biology I (4 Credits)
Acceptable substitutes: BSC x010/L
BSC1011C General Biology II (4 Credits)
Acceptable substitutes: BSC X011/L

CHM 2045 General Chemistry I
CHM 2045L General Chemistry I Lab
Acceptable substitutes: CHM X045C

CHM 2046 General Chemistry II
CHM 2046L General Chemistry II Lab
Acceptable substitute: CHM x046C

CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry I
CHM 2210L Organic Chemistry I Lab
Acceptable substitutes: CHM x210C

CHM 2211 Organic Chemistry II
CHM 2211L Organic Chemistry II Lab
Acceptable substitutes: CHM x211C

MAC2311 (GM) Calculus I (4 Credits)
Acceptable substitutes: MAC x233, x281, x241
MAC2312 (GM) Calculus II (4 Credits)
Acceptable substitutes: STA x023, x014, MAC x282, X242

PHY 2053 Algebra Physics I (3 credits)
PHY 2053L Algebra Physics I Lab (1 credits)
Acceptable substitutes: PHY2048/2048L, BSC2085C

PHY 2054 Algebra Physics II (3 credits)
PHY 2054L Algebra Physics II Lab (1 credit)
Acceptable substitutes: PHY2049/2049L, BSC2086C

Contextual Courses (3 credits)

Requires grades of C or above.

HSC 3537 Medical Terminology (3 credits)
SPC 4064 Public Speaking Professionals (3 credits)

Major Requirements (25 credits)

Requires grades of C or above. Courses must be taken in prerequisite order. Electronic approval must be obtained each semester for courses whose prerequisites are transfers. Please check the catalog course description section for prerequisites required for each course prior to registering. If one course is a prerequisite for another, the two may not be taken together. Students will be administratively withdrawn from courses if earned grades in prerequisite courses are less than a C.

BSC2012C General Biology III (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: BSC1011C
PCB3023C Molecular and Cell Biology (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: BSC 2012C and CHM 2210/2210L
MCB3020C Microbial Biology (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: BSC 2012C and CHM 2046/2046L
PCB3063 Genetics (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: BSC 2012C and CHM 2210/2210L
PCB3063L Genetics Lab (1 Credit)
Corequisites: PCB3063
BCH4024 Mol Biol Biochem (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: PCB 3023C
BSC3842 Writing Skills in Biology (1 Credit)
Corequisite: BSC2012C General Biology III
BSC4947 Senior Seminar Practicum (1 Credit)
Prerequisites: BSC3842

PCB 4713C Human Physiology (4 credits)
Prerequisites:PCB3023C and either ZOO3733C or BSC2085C and BSC2086C
BSC 4801C Animal Physiology (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: PCB3023C
NOTE: Students who have completed either ZOO3733C or BSC2085C AND BSC2086C Must enroll in PCB4713C.

Major Electives (18 credits)

All major electives require a grade of C or above. Select a total of at least 25 credits. One Course must be from Category 1 and the remainder from Category 2. At least one course from Category 2 must have a lab

SELECT 1 course from category 1:
PCB 3043 C Principles of Ecology (4 credits)
Prerequisites: BSC 2012C
PCB 4674 Evolution (3 credits)
Prerequisites: PCB3043C or PCB3063/L

SELECT at least 14-15 credits from category 2:
BSC 4434C Introduction to Bioinformatics (4 Credits)
BSC 4870 Biological Basis of Pharmacology (3 credits)
BSC 4921 Biology Lecture Series (1 credits)
BSC 4930 Special Topics in Biology (3 credits)
PCB 4234 Biology of Cancer (3 credits)
PCB 4233 Immunology (3 credits)
PCB 4707 Human Physiology in Extreme Environments (3 Credits)
PCB 4805 Endocrinology (3 credits)
MCB 4203 Pathogenic Bacteriology (3 credits)
MCB 4503 Virology (3 credits)
ZOO 3713C Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (4 credits)
ZOO 4234C Parasitology (4 credits)
ZOO 4715C Introduction to Canine Anatomy (4 credits)
ZOO 4752 Histology (3 credits)
ZOO 4485 Biology of Marine Mammals (3 credits)
ZOO 4485L Biology of Marine Mammals Laboratory (1 credits)
BSC 4022 Biology of Aging (3 credits)
ZOO 4513 Animal Behavior (3 credits)
ZOO 4513L Animal Behavior Lab (1 credits) (3 credits)
PET 3324 Gross Anatomy for Health Care Professionals (3 credits)
PET 3312C Biomechanics (3 Credits)
PCB 4843 Cell and Molecular Neuroscience (3 credits)
MCB 4021C Molecular Biology Techniques (4 credits)
PCB 4253C Developmental Biology (4 credits)
BSC3943 Internship in Applied Biology (variable credits)
BSC 4941 Mayo Clinic Research Internship (1-4 credits)
PCB 4067 Molecular Basis of Inheritance (3 credits)
PCB 4540 Genomics (3 credits)
BCH 4024L Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Lab (1 credit)
BSC 4905 Directed Independent Study in Biology (variable credits)
PCB 4067 Molecular Basis of Inheritance (3 credits)
ZOO 3733C Human Structure and Function (4 credits)
Students who have completed BSC2085C and BSC 2086C may not complete ZOO3733C Human Structure and Function for upper-level credit towards this degree. 

Note: One Biology elective must have a lab to complete the category 2 requirement. Students are encouraged to take BSC4921 Biology Lecture Series as part of their major elective coursework. No more than 2 credits of BSC4921 may be used in the Major Elective area.

Free Electives (2 credits)

This degree requires a minimum of 120 total hours with 48 upper (3000/4000) level hours.

Free electives may be courses in any discipline (provided the required prerequisites are met) and they are the hours needed to satisfy the total hour requirement. These hours may vary (consult your advisor about free elective hours needed to graduate).