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Botanical Garden

Pontederia cordata - Pickeral weed

Pontederia cordata
Pontederia cordata
Pontederia cordata

Family Pontederiaceae


Fewer than ten species of Pontederia are native to North and South America. Pickeral weed is native to streamsides and wetlands of the eastern U.S, including Florida. Blue flowers stand above the foliage from late spring through fall. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds nectar at the flowers. The small seeds are considered an important wildlife food. It spreads rapidly in a suitable site.


Plants can be seen along the edge of pond 'H' east of building 6 and in wet, natural areas throughout campus.


Pickeralweed can grow to about three feet tall but is usually shorter.

Care Instructions:

Light: full sun

Water: requires moist soil, tolerates standing water

Soil: moisture is essential, no other special requirements

This native plant grows easily in moist soils in northeast Florida. It flowers best in sun but will grow in a partly shaded location.