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Botanical Garden

Gardenia jasminoides - Gardenia

Gardenia jasminoides
Gardenia jasminoides
Gardenia jasminoides

Family Rubiaceae


Approximately 250 species comprise the genus Gardenia. They are native to the Old World tropics from Africa to Polynesia. The common gardenia is an evergreen shrub from China. It is has been a popular landscape plant in the southeastern United States for generations. The large white flowers are showy and very fragrant. Flowers appear late spring through summer. Gardenias grow well in sun to partial shade.


See plants on the south side of building 8 in OutTakes Plaza. This is cultivar 'August Beauty'.


Depending on the cultivar, gardenias grow from eighteen inches to eight feet tall.

Care Instructions:

Light: sun to part shade

Water: drought tolerant when established, may require irrigation during droughts

Soil: average soils, low pH, no other special requirements

See plants on the south side of building 8 in OutTakes Plaza. This is cultivar 'August Beauty'.